Keep Smithville Beautiful, a committee of the Smithville Area Chamber of Commerce, presents the “Sustainable Home and Garden Show” on Saturday, October 5 from 10 am to 2 pm at the Railroad Park Pavilion, Smithville Historic District. The theme of this year’s event is Water for Life!
Join us for a fun, family-friendly day in the park featuring booths, demonstrations, and vendors sharing info on wise water use and conservation, including:
- Capturing and using rainwater
- Low-water gardening
- Composting
- Local river and stream ecosystems
- Sustainable products for sale (plants!)
- Student art show and activities for kids
- & much more!
Show is in collaboration with the Community-Wide Garage Sale on the same day. Heading to the music festival around the corner? Come through on your way in!
Free to attend and registration is not required.
Click the REGISTER icon at the top right of this page to sign up for a Table and/or to sponsor
Table Registration:
- Government entity, school, KSB volunteers/presenters: $0
- Table without products/services for sale (Exhibitor): $10
- Table with products/services for sale (Vendor): $25
Sponsorship Levels:
- Sustaining Friend - $75: Name will appear on program & KSB Facebook Page. Option to set up table at event without registration fee.
- Program Sponsor - $100: Logo will appear on program & KSB Facebook Page. Option to set up table at event without registration fee.
- Session Sponsor - $250: Same as Program Sponsor above + Banner you provide will hang during event. Company will receive a locally-grown bouquet.
- Event Sponsor - $500: Same as Session Sponsor above + a basket of locally-made products.

Date and Time
Saturday Oct 5, 2024
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM CDT
October 5, 2024
Railroad Park
100 NW 1st St.
Smithville, TX 78957
Register to become an Exhibitor, Vendor or Sponsor
Contact Information
Keep Smithville Beautiful
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