Melodie Spears Schmidt “Journey of Spirit”
Melodie worked as a business manager for a prominent Texas artist in the 80’s, then published a newsletter marketing the work of artists all over the US in the 90’s. During this same period, she owned/operated two fine art galleries in Austin called “Spirit Echoes”. Although many believed the name represented the Native American influence her gallery evoked, it was about how people can use their talents to express Spirit within... echoing a oneness with the true creator. She later sponsored a series of art festivals in Austin and Roundtop while getting back to her roots as an artist.
Today Melodie is retired with her husband, Dennis, two dogs and two cows out in the country north of Smithville. She finally has time to devote to her passion of creating soft pastel and acrylic paintings. Her work can be viewed at the LPAA Gallery in Smithville and the Kerr County Arts Center in Kerrville.
This exhibit is her largest to date, encompassing works from high school and beyond to current works available for sale.
The show will continue through May 10th.
For More info call or text 512-771-0706 or email melodie@spiritechoes.com. Facebook: Spirit Echoes Art. @spiritechoesart
LPAA Gallery Hours Fri./Sat. 10:00 AM– 5:00PM. First & third Sunday 1 – 5:00 (or by appt.)
Date and Time
Thursday Mar 6, 2025
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM CST
Thursday, March 6, 2025
Artist Reception 5 – 7 PM
Lost Pines Artisan Alliance 206 Main Street Smithville, Texas 78957