July 4th Celebration!
Live Music, Food, Fireworks, & Fun!
Food & Merchandise Vendor Registration **SOLD OUT**
Click "REGISTER" to sign up for the contests
9:00 AM 5K Freedom Run
(Sponsored by Smithville Parks & Recreation - 512-237-3282 ext. 7)
11:00 AM Patriotic Parade Downtown
12:00 - 1:00 PM Hotdogs at the VFW
(Sponsored by Calbri Road & Bridge LLC & V.F.W.)
Riverbend Park Festivities - opens to the public at noon
1:00 - 5:00 PM Tournaments & Contests
Cornhole Tournament
$20 per team (pay day of tournament, cash only)
Horseshoe Tournament
$20 per team (pay day of tournament, cash only)
Washer Tournament
$20 per team (pay day of tournament, cash only)
Patriotic Cake Decorating Contest
$5 per entry (pay day of contest, cash only)
Apple Pie Baking Contest
$5 per entry (pay day of contest, cash only)
Uncle Sam Look-A-Like Contest
$5 per entry (pay day of contest, cash only)
Hot Dog Eating Contest
$5 per entry (pay day of contest, cash only)
Petting Zoo
1:00 - 8:00 PM Kids Water Fun Park
1:00 - 9:00 PM Beer Booth, Food and Arts &Crafts Vendors
1:00 - 9:00 PM Live Music
- 1:00 - 3:00 PM Down South
- 3:00 - 6:00 PM Johnny Rockit Band
- 6:00 - 9:00 PM The Shop Dawgz
3:00 - 11:00 PM Shuttles at Smithville Elementary School & Smithville Recreation Center
5:00 PM Tournament & Contest Winners Announced & Salute to Veterans
9:00 PM Fireworks
Camping Available $25 per night
Smithville Area Chamber of Commerce
First Baptist Church Smithville
Partners of the Smithville, TX Veterans Memorial Park
The City of Smithville
VFW Post 1309
Calbri Road & Bridge LLC
TITLE SPONSOR: Lower Colorado River Authority
ADDITIONAL SPONSORS: A+ Federal Credit Union, Ally Medical Emergency Room, Audion, LLC, Lost Pines Truck and Diesel and Red Claw Seafood
ANNUAL SPONSORS: Kragh's Jewelry Retail & Repair, Towers Nursing Home, Doug's Plumbing, Lost Pines Toyota, First National Bank, Bluebonnet Electric Cooperative, Marrs-Jones Funeral Home All Faiths of the Pines, WJC Constructors, Lori Tuggle, State Farm, Aqua Water Supply, Tom & Debi Etheredge, Calbri Road & Bridge, LLC and Lower Colorado River Authority

Event Sponsors
Date and Time
Monday Jul 4, 2022
1:00 PM - 9:00 PM CDT
Riverbend Park